Rest in Peace Erica Teevens

"…she was one of those happily created beings who please without effort, make friends everywhere, and take life so gracefully and easily that less fortunate souls are tempted to believe that such are born under a lucky star." -Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

"'She looks just as music sounds, I think,' answered Anne." -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

"'Dead?' said Sophie. She had a silly impulse to add, But she was alive an hour ago! And she stopped herself, because death is like that: people are alive until they die."
-Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle

Random Musing
Erica Teevens passed away on February 8, 2011. It's almost too ridiculous and horrible to believe.


  1. Yes, rest in peace, Erica.

  2. She is survived by her parents, James & Mayumi and her brother Ken. Please pray for them.

  3. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Chris, Kaoru & Joshua Moyer

  4. She and her family are in my every thought and prayer right now.

  5. She was so wonderful she left behind a legacy of love.

  6. I was one of her caregivers and I grew to love her through all of the wonderful things people said about her. She was a beautiful person with a beautiful spirit....

  7. We are friends of John and Helene's, I did not know Erica but my family's thoughts and prayers are with you. May she rest in peace.

    Dr. Michael J. Franklin and Family


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